Parhai Bhi. Kamai Bhi.

Prepare. Attempt. Earn.

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We have thousands of questions related to the curriculum

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Currently available only on Android

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Explore Parchay


Screenshots of Team Taboo game Great for Preparation

Enhance your understanding of living organisms and biological processes through our interactive MCQ exercises designed to boost your exam readiness.


Screenshots of 2 Truths and a Lie game Helps boost understanding

Unlock the mysteries of matter and energy with our extensive database of chemistry MCQs, spanning atomic structure, chemical reactions, and organic chemistry.


Screenshots of SociaLoops game Helps strengthening concepts

Empower yourself with a deeper understanding of the fundamental principles of physics through our interactive MCQ exercises tailored for exam success.


Screenshots of Consensus! game Perfect Learning Activity

Excel in computer science exams with our curatedMCQ database, designed to reinforce your knowledge of computer fundamentals and advanced concepts.

Preparing for your exams can make you money now!

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How it Works


1. Install Parchay and register with your phone number


2. Attempt exercises already available on app.


3. Invite friends through FB and whatsapp. Win 20 PKR for each invite.


We launch live quiz after every 2 days. Participate and win upto 70,000 PKR!